911 Gotcha 4 Gaza !

911 Gotcha 4 Gaza is a fundraising event. We are raising money for Palestine, specifically the grassroots and verified organisation Care For Gaza. Our goal is to make as much money as we can to support the people of Palestine and show support through our fandom.Artists and writers will sign up as volunteers to fill prompts, this is the creator sign ups portion of the event. To see more information about this, click "Creators". This event won't be possible without our amazing volunteers!We are now on the donation period of the event! Prompt submission will be open from May 20th to June 17th. Be advised that the prices bellow are just a minimum required for us to gift you a prompt. You have to donate directly to one of our chosen families or Care for Gaza.Click on donations to get more information!

sfw art/fic$5
nsfw art/fic$8
video edit under 1 minute$5
video edit over 1 minute$8

Gotcha Creators !

thank you for coming to sign up to be a creator, we are calling you creators as we are allowing multiple mediums such as fanfictions, fanarts, video edits, and anything else you can create!there is no set word count or expectation for artists as its hard to anticipate how busy everyone will be when it comes to prompts! don't burn yourselves out - shorter drabbles (~1k words) or sketches (in chibi style too!) are fine. for video edits we do ask you to make the edit 30 seconds long minimum. the idea is everyone who donates gets their prompts filled.if you are under 18 you can still participate but you must not sign up to do nsfw prompts - please use the form to indicate this.once you are signed up we will dm you with more information, which will include a link to join an optional discord server for the event creators. commissions will be handed out via a google sheets document which will be distributed once creator sign ups are finalised.please be honest about who and what you will be comfortable doing on the google form so that we can effectively match you to prompts! we have not ruled out nsfw content so remember that when filling out the limits/triggers section. prompts will be assigned at random within the groups of people who can fill it.if you are ever uncomfortable with a prompt we can reassign it, so just dm us (on twitter, tumblr or discord) so that we can do that!

Gotcha Questions !

Q: are there any set requirements for creators?
A: there is no set word count or expectation for artists as its hard to anticipate how busy everyone will be when it comes to prompts! don't burn yourselves out - shorter drabbles (~1k words) or sketches (in chibi style too!) are fine. for video edits, we do ask for a minimum of 30 seconds. the idea is everyone who donates gets their prompts filled.
Q: how will donations be handled?
A: any and all donations will be made directly to the grassroots or Care for Gaza. the admin team will not manage any money, we just need you to send a proof of donation when submitting your prompt.
Q: what kind of prompts can i submit?
A: if you are under 18 please do not submit any nsfw content! if you are over 18, you can submit anything you want, within reason. we ask you to keep any angsty prompt to the limits of topics that have been treated on 911 or 911 Lone Star. still, it the admin team deams it necessary, we will reach out to you if we need to change your prompt.
Q: i want to sign up to write/draw/edit but i don't want to post my work on my account, can i sign up and post anonymously or just send the work to the prompter?
A: yes absolutely! we understand some people may not be comfortable posting their work on their own platforms. as long as the requester receives their art, we don't mind you sending it to them directly. you can also send it to our tumblr or twitter accounts and we can post it for you, if you still want it to be made public anonymously.
Q: how many prompts will each writer/artist/editor get?
A: hopefully, lots! we have no way of telling exactly how much will get donated and even how many artists and writers will sign up. we will do everything in our power to distribute the prompts evenly while also respecting everyone's wishes for what they do and don't want to write according to their application form.

Posting Finished Works


guideline on expectations - do however much you feel inspired to do, and feel free to go above and beyond, but at a minimum we expect a sketch.posting nsfw art - please use twitter's built in features to hide sensitive content. there are similar features on tumblr, but not to my knowledge on instagram. feel free to post across multiple platforms.tag the prompter - either in the post itself, if you're posting to twitter where you can easily do so, or send it to them via dms. it's very important that every prompter gets notified that their work has been created, so do not forget this!tag 911Actions - please tag us in the image so we can promote it, we will also tick you off the list and mark the work as complete when you've tagged us. if you can't tag us for any reason (don't have twitter, tumblr, etc) you must make sure that you dm it to us or put a link to it on a different platform into the discord server, in the designated channel for finished works.anonymous posting - your art must go to the prompter in some format. if you want to do so anonymously as some artists have requested, please dm the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer.


guideline on expectations - we haven't put a hard limit for word count in for writers, but if you're looking for guidance we suggest a minimum of ~1k words which is a guideline not a rule, think of it as a word count to aim for, but feel free to go above and beyond that if you feel inspired to do so.posting on ao3 - we have assumed most fic writers will put their work on ao3, you don't have to, but it is strongly recommended. please post works to the collection 911Action_Gotcha4_Gaza. please ensure all your work is properly tagged and rated, if you need any help with this you can ask an admin, but we will reject works from the collection if the tagging is insufficient.posting on social media - you must post your fic on social media in some format, if you want to do so anonymously as some writers have requested, please dm the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer.tag the prompter - either in the post itself, if you're posting to twitter or tumblr where you can easily do so, or send it to them via dms. it's very important that every prompter gets notified that their work has been created, so do not forget this!tag 911Actions - please tag us in the post so we can promote it, we will also tick you off the list and mark the work as complete when you've tagged us. if you can't tag us for any reason (don't have twitter, etc) you must make sure that you dm it to us or put a link to it on a different platform into the discord server, in the designated channel for finished works.gifting your work - is an option on ao3, you are welcome to do this if you can easily find the prompters account listed on their profile, for example, or if once you post they comment and you wish to do so. this is completely optional.


guideline on expectations - we ask you to do a minimum of 30 seconds. feel free to do more or less, but if your prompt is for less than a minute, do not go over 59 seconds.tag the prompter - either in the post itself, if you're posting to twitter, or tumblr where you can easily do so, or send it to them via dms. if you are posting it on tiktok ask the prompter if they want to be tagged, or send them a link to it directly. the prompter should be able to get a file of the video one way or another. it's very important that every prompter gets notified that their work has been created, so do not forget this!tag 911Actions - please tag us in the post/TikTok so we can promote it, we will also tick you off the list and mark the work as complete when you've tagged us. if you can't tag us for any reason (don't have twitter, tumblr, etc) you must make sure that you dm it to us or put a link to it on a different platform into the discord server, in the designated channel for finished works.anonymous posting - your edit must go to the prompter in some format. if you want to do so anonymously as some artists have requested, please dm the work to the event runners and we will either post it on your behalf or send it directly to the prompter depending on what you prefer.